Friday, June 3, 2011


the title is all i really need to say. but in detail i'm sorry for not blogging lately. it's the end of school (middle school actually) and i've been trying to get all my work/projects done. today i finally finished the pants i had to make in sewing class. weeks of hard work and i get a B+ -.-" but whatevs. i'm not too excited to get my last report card because i know i'm going to have at east 2 Bs on it-- science and pre-algebra. English is my strongest subject, and i'm getting a 97%, fortunately. in history i just took a huge 100-points Civil War test (which i got 92/100!!) so i should be okay in that area. wish there was a class for tweeting and Facebook-ing because i'd be so less stressed. although Bs aren't the end of the world, i still cringe whenever i have one. i admit it, i much much MUCH prefer As. i've never had a 4.0 GPA but i've had a 3.952!
  i'll shut up now about my grades. in other news, today's national doughnut day!
Ahh, nothing like a patriotic doughnut.

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